jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Group Activity

Hi Everyone!

Today I’m going to write about a group activity I like to do, this activity is the football, I really like the Football, for me this activity is more than a sport, is a passion and when I play I try to leave it all on the field game, I practice this activity once a week (Sometimes Two per week), but for me I play every day.  I play with “The Fishitas F.C” on the university for the FAU Cup, but also I play with friends in Macul with Los Olmos on a Synthetic Field. 

I started kick a soccer ball when I was 4 years, my Juan’s uncle always motivate me for to practice football, he always told me “you are going to a professional player when grow up”, but he died when I was 7 years, maybe if he not have died I’d play in some professional team in Spain, England, France or Italy (ROFL). But That… I play football around to 20 years.

I Enjoy play football because I having fun like a child, also because this play involves Friendship and the emotion of score a goal is unequalled!, but that is…  I prefer the football above all things, sometimes I had to leave important commitments for play football (Dates, Birthdays, Exams, etc) xD.

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