jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

A Movie I'd Like to Watch Again: Scott Pílgrim v/s The World

Hi Everyone!

Today I’m going to write about a movie film I’ve seen that I’d like to watch again.  In the last weeks I have seen a variety of movies about parties like a Superbad and Project X (Good movies) , or about everyday life such as it’s Kind of a Funny Story, but the movie I’ve seen once again is Scott Pilgrim v/s The World. I watched this movie about three weeks ago, but I want to watch again because is really fun.

The movie is about a bassist called Scott Pilgrim, he belong a band called Sex Bob-omb and he started a relationship with a high schooler to the disapproval of his friends, then Scott know Ramona Flowers, the girl of his dreams and loses interest by its current girlfriend, but Scott to be with Ramona he must defeat each Ex-Evil boyfriends, in total they are Seven.  The battles for through which include superpowers like a video game, in the film starred Michel Cera -as Scott Pilgrim- and Mary Elizabeth Winstead,  -as Ramona Flowers- also starred Ellen Wong –as Knives Chau, the high schooler and first girlfriend Scott- and Jason Schwartzman -as Gideon Graves the final evil ex-boyfriend -.

I watch again this movie because is not a common love story, also include too many funny scenes, this movie is from 2010 and from that year I want to view but never I had no time  to see, or always something happened that prevent to see. I recommend this movie if you want having a good time and laugh a great way.


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