jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

A Movie I'd Like to Watch Again: Scott Pílgrim v/s The World

Hi Everyone!

Today I’m going to write about a movie film I’ve seen that I’d like to watch again.  In the last weeks I have seen a variety of movies about parties like a Superbad and Project X (Good movies) , or about everyday life such as it’s Kind of a Funny Story, but the movie I’ve seen once again is Scott Pilgrim v/s The World. I watched this movie about three weeks ago, but I want to watch again because is really fun.

The movie is about a bassist called Scott Pilgrim, he belong a band called Sex Bob-omb and he started a relationship with a high schooler to the disapproval of his friends, then Scott know Ramona Flowers, the girl of his dreams and loses interest by its current girlfriend, but Scott to be with Ramona he must defeat each Ex-Evil boyfriends, in total they are Seven.  The battles for through which include superpowers like a video game, in the film starred Michel Cera -as Scott Pilgrim- and Mary Elizabeth Winstead,  -as Ramona Flowers- also starred Ellen Wong –as Knives Chau, the high schooler and first girlfriend Scott- and Jason Schwartzman -as Gideon Graves the final evil ex-boyfriend -.

I watch again this movie because is not a common love story, also include too many funny scenes, this movie is from 2010 and from that year I want to view but never I had no time  to see, or always something happened that prevent to see. I recommend this movie if you want having a good time and laugh a great way.


jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

I never read

Hi Everyone.

Today I’m going to post about I read at the moment, so… I don’t like read so much, I prefer other hobbies as practice sports, play video games, etc. but sometimes I read some things about the lord of the rings.

Not long ago I start to read the book called Silmarillion is a story about everything has happened before the books as the hobbit and the lord of the rings, the book belong to genre heroic fantasy and it is written such a story in third person.

The book is divided in five parts called: Ainulindalë; Valaquenta; Quenta Silmarillion; Akallabêth and about the power rings and third Age. In short tells the story about the creation of Ea (the universe created by J.R.R Tolkien) and Arda (The world in they inhabit all characters) until the story about to middle earth and the events about the lord of the rings.

I started to read this book because I love the lord of the rings saga and I wanted to know how to started this story because in the movies only show a part of the story, specify the story of Frodo and the ring, but not show how to started everything, how to create the ring, who create and other things about the story.

I really enjoy read stories about the epics wars, fantastic genre, mythopoeia and same stories, because the characters always have superpowers and that is amazing for me, because is not a common story.

That' s All !

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

Special "Talent"

Hi Again To All!

Today I’m going to write about to my special talent, well… I’m not sure if a special talent, but I have a facility to climbing; trees, walls, hills, etc, when I was a child my friends called me “Mono”(Monkey in English), because always was up in the top of the trees, that is really weird for my friends because they believe I was a crazy, but for me was really funny.

That Is useful because when you need to running of a dog’s pack you can a climb the nearby tree and save your life (this happened to me when I was 10 years old, LOL). I don’t remember how I acquire this talent only know that one day I was with my friends and we came up with the idea of the climb trees and they discovered my “talent”

Over time this special skill has decline, because not was stimulated by me, but not long ago my older cousin said me he had a climbing wall in your house for practice boulder climbing, and I was there for a time, remember olds times obviously not in the top a tree, IN THE REAL WALL FOR CLIMBING!!!, that was awesome, this was during the summer of 2007 and the same year I climbing a nearby mountain to Chillan, that summer was really incredible.

But again over the years the lack of the practice decline my “talent”, but I know if I return to practice I can return to climbing anywhere. 

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Group Activity

Hi Everyone!

Today I’m going to write about a group activity I like to do, this activity is the football, I really like the Football, for me this activity is more than a sport, is a passion and when I play I try to leave it all on the field game, I practice this activity once a week (Sometimes Two per week), but for me I play every day.  I play with “The Fishitas F.C” on the university for the FAU Cup, but also I play with friends in Macul with Los Olmos on a Synthetic Field. 

I started kick a soccer ball when I was 4 years, my Juan’s uncle always motivate me for to practice football, he always told me “you are going to a professional player when grow up”, but he died when I was 7 years, maybe if he not have died I’d play in some professional team in Spain, England, France or Italy (ROFL). But That… I play football around to 20 years.

I Enjoy play football because I having fun like a child, also because this play involves Friendship and the emotion of score a goal is unequalled!, but that is…  I prefer the football above all things, sometimes I had to leave important commitments for play football (Dates, Birthdays, Exams, etc) xD.