jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

My Fiestas Patrias

Hi Everyone !

Well my Fiestas Patrias are generally common, with too much typical food like an “empanadas”, “anticuchos”,” sopaipillas”, etc. and with our typical drink called “Mote con Huesillo”. Usually every year I am going to the “fondas” located in the center of my hometown, Concepcion or sometimes I get together with my friends and organized some activities about to the 18 de September like the last year.

In the last Fiestas Patrias (2013) I travelled to the Concepcion and I met with some friends, we bought some things for cooking a barbecue in the Carlos home, one of my friends. After we went to center of Concepcion for dancing Cueca (Typical Chilean Dance).

So…  The best Fiestas Patrias I can remember was in 2011 when we joined as a family and went to Buchupuereo, this is a rural place nearest at Cauquenes, is a beautiful place and remember that travel because was the first time we were joined as a family.

In the fiestas patrias also practiced some typical activities like a rayuela, horse-racing, fly a kite, that’s activities are really healthy and fun, however there an activity I do not agree, this activity is the Rodeo, I really hate this “Sport” because is an animal abuse, people hitting animals for entertainment is a great shame, the government should ban this activity, the animal abuse is not cultural.

Well we can see the fiestas patrias is one a most important date for the Chilean people we celebrate the first Governing Board and is one the best moments for share with the loved ones.

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