miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Do you want quality in education…?  Give me your money

In Chile in the last years se have been developed a series of  the social process, this process  have even called the public attention, mainly with the education problem in our country the education have a deep structural crisis in all levels nursery school, primary school, secondary school and upper, the lack of social integration in all levels of the public education (Scholar Segregation), the poor quality in educational contents in the most schools are some of the problems in the Chilean education, generally entails a series of key consequences in the educational system and problems in the Chilean society.

I think this structural crisis in education answer a the economic model imposed since 1980 in Chile, where everything is bought and sold, the health, education, housing, etc, all is a product and the people is a number, It has been privatized and commodified.

I consider the education as a basic and fundamental right and like this, cannot be commercialized, I think in Chile all schools should be public schools, the private schools should be open for the all people the all social class, promoting the social integration. Also the education in universities should be open to all people and not selective and free. If you want study should be all people the same possibilities and not excluded for the system education.

Finally I think the solution is the change in the structural system not only in education is a change in the politics and economical system, change the mind of the people who feel that everything is a product to market. That can be help to reduce the profound gap between the people can be pay the quality in education and people can be not pay the quality education.

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