miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Earth 2100


 The movie is about a woman that tells the story about how will be the in the world in 2100, and how there will be a lack of resources, like water, gas, native forest, etc. The story told by the main character is complemented by the opinion of many experts in climate change.


The movie shows the importance on worrying about the way the anthropic influence over the earth surface is collapsing our home, but personally I think that it has a very “American” perspective of how the world is and it’s not really close to the reality lived in other places of the planet, like South America and other 3rd world countries, especially when they show all the catastrophes occur in the United States, and the way they refer to China and India, about how they refused to sing the climate change agreement, but in reality the USA is the country which has refused to make a real engagement with the environment. I also think that the expert’s opinions shown in the film is exaggerated and even doomwatcher and doesn’t show concrete facts that confirm them affirmations, which takes off seriousness to them opinions. Nevertheless I agree with the importance in taking concern about the way the world is going, because if we don´t do anything to prevent the future environmental disaster (maybe in a not too near future) the human raze, and all the life in this planet will suffer the consequences of our lack of environmental and social conscience.

Three things i would like to add

The use of clean energies, like eolic, solar, etc., as a way to replace the polluting conventional energies that has been used until now.

 The human raze hasn’t been living too long in the earth to be the only responsible of the changes in the environment.

The American cosmovision is too catastrophic.

1 comentario:

  1. Daniel,

    WC 313. Excellent. I really liked your review, it shows a clear point of view, and the criticism has solid arguments.

    Pay attention to mistakes that can be confusing:

    ...how they refused to (sing) SIGN the climate change agreement...

    Also, you say "the human raCe"...

    Very Good. Cheers,

