viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Manal Al-Sharif, an example to all women in the world.

This story is about a woman from Saudi Arabia who decided that one day, along with his brother, she was going to drive a car in their own country, even when that act is considered an offensive because women have no right to drive due to the costumes and traditions that it is rooted in the ultra-conservative society of Saudi Arabia. For this act Manal was arrested not just once but twice, and the second time she was put in jail for nine days.

This costume and traditions are a significant problem for women and their freedom in Saudi Arabia, because these costumes are to enshrine in the fatwa based in to the wrong interpretation of the shrines laws (Religious Laws) and codify in the legal law system. The acts that doesn’t carry out this order can be condemned to death penalty, and other kind of punishments

From this on, Manal decided to do a campaign for women to have the possibility to drive in Saudi Arabia. This campaign was internationally recognized and she had the support in many countries, nevertheless in Saudi Arabia she doesn’t had the same reactions to the support, being threatened to death.

In my opinion I think Manal is a courageous woman, because she took a bold step and broke the rules taking her car and driving it through the streets of Arabia Saudi. I think it was a revolutionary act, especially in a place where women’s rights are not respected, and it is a good example for all women in their own country and in the world.

These acts, as Manal’s, are helping societies where the women have no rights to advance on this issues and build up a society focused on respect to the people, especially  focused women.