miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014


Hi everybody welcome  to my blog, My name is Daniel from Concepcion and im going to write about to my vacations. Well… In my vacations i was travelling to many places in Chile like a Concepción, San Fernando, Puerto Varas and Chillan.

 First in Concepcion my hometown i was 2 weeks shared with my familiy christmas and new year with them. Then i went to my friend home in Puerto Varas in this city we walked to many places for example Osorno Volcano, Lake Llanquihue, Petrohue Waterfalls, etc. And i shared with to many friends in this places.

 Then i went to San Fernando more specifically to the Termas del Flaco in this place i went to the dinosaur footprint and take some photos of this beautiful landscape, in the Termas we shared to many moments with my family and was a good experience.  Also enjoy to the thermal waters especially in the night.

And finally i went to Chillan with two friends to the Laguna Huemul, in Huemul we camped for three days on the banks of the lake located more than 2000 meters above sea level,  we have walked  for six hour to get to Huemul, but well worth to effort to be see the natural beauty of these places, to the Huemul we can see the Chillan Volcano and Antuco Volcano.

After to this travels i went to Concepción to prepare all to do things for enter to class and also i meet some friends in Concepcion and we has a barbecue to celebrate my arrival also shared with my familiy  we went to go field some days.